Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Smile

Lee University looks dim. The brick buildings are all tinged grey, and the sun has settled indefinitely into a blanket of clouds. Yesterday morning I walked across campus, snowflakes lazily speckling my black coat, and I surveyed the dismal showcase of winter on my school. In my mind, I compared the beauty of campus in mid-August to the withdrawn and wintry spectacle that sat before my eyes. It's funny how the very attitude of campus seems to change with that of the students. It's the beginning of second semester, and the inviting smells of cinnamon and pumpkin have gone, leaving the bleak honesty of this season in their place. Also gone are the buzzing, idealistic freshmen of fall semester. It is second semester, it is winter, and we are all students waiting for the first shoot of vibrant color to spring forth from the ground and reestablish optimism in our frozen minds.

When I first noticed campus, I mentioned it to a friend. She looked at me and said, "It's ugly." I adamantly agreed. I could have done the writer thing and told her that I still found beauty in the tragic state of our school, but that would have been looking way too far into it. The truth is, Lee University isn't as pretty as it usually is. But even with the seemingly depressing vision of a campus once beautiful in all its colors and brightness, I cannot help walking outside and feeling a smile tug at the corners of my mouth. I know that the cruddy facade of dullness winter has currently draped over the entirety of the school is hiding a magnificent change. In a couple short months, campus will bloom suddenly and wholeheartedly, and the comparison of what it is now will make it seem that much more stunning. And that is why I'm smiling.

The winter isn't the only cause of my smile, though. I'm smiling because I've been smiled at, and the elation that comes with that act is not easily forgotten. I'm smiling because I've been invited to join the English honor society, Sigma Tau Delta, and I've been nerding out about it for a week. I'm smiling because I've realized that I have mini "families" here, whether I find them on my hall or in the groups I'm involved with. I'm smiling because I received two packages yesterday from two lovely ladies in my family, and their constant encouragement reminds me of my purpose. I'm smiling because it's February, and I'm steadily seeing new couples holding hands or flirting in the ped mall. I'm smiling because, even though things have seemed dreary lately, I'm genuinely happy. My heart is full, and the product of my full heart has consistently revealed itself in my countenance.

I don't know how things have been for you lately, but I can tell you that when things are ugly, sometimes it's best to smile in anticipation of the great things that will be. The ugly things will soon be beautiful.


  1. The writer in you emerges much stronger (I want to blame the new picture). Praise God for your being encouraged, for your growth towards him. Your faith convicts me and encourages me towards newness. Thank you for that. (But, I am doing that writer thing...I think campus is gorgeous).

    1. Oh, it's definitely the new picture. I am forever indebted to you and Timbo!


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