Sunday, March 16, 2014

Know Me

There's this really amazing song I love called "You Know Me," by Steffany Frizzell. I heard it at a youth camp last year, and I immediately fell in love with it. I don't know. Sometimes you just hear a song that becomes so relevant for you that you can't shake it. I'd sort of forgotten about the song until it played on my Spotify a little while ago. I immediately closed my eyes and listened to it, really listened to it.

The song is all about God knowing who we are. Our God, the one who "hung the stars and moved the sea", knows us and loves us, and that is amazing in and of itself. But when I heard the song again today, it was put into so much more perspective for me.

The bridge of the song simply says:
Nothing is hidden from your sight.
Wherever I go you find me.
You know every detail of my life.
You are God, and you don't miss a thing.
You memorize me.

After hearing that part of the song, the song that I'd sung and listened to so many times before, I cringed. There are details of my life that I wish could be hidden from the sight of God. I, like everyone else, am not a perfect person. I've slipped up, yes, but I've also deliberately pulled away from God at times. It's crazy how we do that...pull away from God even when we know He has our best intentions in mind.

I guess this song gets to me so much because it humbles me. God memorizes us. He knows every part of me that I hate. He knows every single thing I've ever done that I wish I hadn't. Yet He loves me and is in constant pursuit of a relationship with me. I am puzzled at the sight of a God who'd want anything to do with a child who has neglected Him and knowingly turned from Him at times. It doesn't make sense. I don't need to make sense of it, though, to know that it is truth. There is something strangely comforting about the idea that someone knows me better than I know myself.

I don't have much more to say about the song, but I hope that you'll listen to it and let it minister to you. It never hurts to be reminded that there is someone who knows us and knows us well. Some days, like today, it is exactly what I need.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of "I Am Understood" by Relient K. What a harrowing and awesome thought. To be wholly known. We will never pull the proverbial wool over God's eyes. What a beautiful thought, our God


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