Monday, January 27, 2014

A Funny Story...

I don't want to be that annoying girl who always posts about her adventures at the gym, and how much fun working out is, and blah blah blah. First, because I don't actually think it's fun, even though I do think it's needed. Second, no one likes to be reminded that they aren't working out, and I don't want my posts to do that. With that said, some of the best things happen at the gym. And when I say best, I really mean the most awkward.

It was around 9:30 the other night when I realized that we hadn't gone to the gym yet. It closes at 11. The two girls I was going with, Shawna and Chloe, and I rushed to get ready while we were still motivated to go. When we came out of our rooms dressed for the gym, I realized automatically that Chloe and I were wearing the same tank top. It's this blue, light-weight thing from Wal-Mart, and it is fantastic, guys. We had talked about having the same shirt before, so it wasn't as much of a shock as it was an excited, "OMG, twins," situation. Sometimes girls do that. It's inexplicable, but it happens. When Shawna came out, we immediately told her to go put on her matching tank top because, duh, who wouldn't? We put on our jackets since it was freezing outside, and we headed to the gym.

For some reason the gym was packed when we got there. The aerobics room we usually work out in was full, so we stood outside the door for about ten minutes trying to decide if we wanted to attempt working out in the middle of a packed room. We decided no. After about ten more minutes of walking around the gym, we finally found a space we could use. It's hard to explain if you aren't from Lee, but I'll try. There is this space upstairs that overlooks the basketball courts and the racquetball courts. It's super small and very open. This became a problem. I mean, do you face the basketball courts or racquetball courts to do squats? Better yet, do you want the entire basketball team to see you bend over or the innocent racquetball players. Very awkward. We decided to scrunch together and stay low to the ground to avoid any awkward situation that could ensue. 

After we claimed our spot, I was nominated to get mats out of the aerobics room, so I walked back downstairs and into the room full of people. I should tell you now that the mats are bulky and twice my size. I should tell you this because it makes it easier for me to tell you that I tripped on them trying to leave. After embarrassing myself by tripping on the stupid, oversize mats, we were finally ready to do some actual work. We busted out our mats, took off our jackets, and that's when we remembered: all three of us had on the same tank top. 

I couldn't stop laughing.

Here we were, exercising in the most random location at the gym, I'd already tripped over our stupid mats, and now we were all sporting the same tank-top. We looked like some sort of ridiculous work out team, and that isn't even the worst part. After we stopped laughing at our misfortune and actually started to work out, we heard voices at the foot of the stairs. Two guys that were in the aerobics room (the room I tripped in) were coming into our work out space. For obvious reasons, this really freaked us out. We were mortified that these guys were going to see us in all our matching shirt glory. After silently deliberating whether or not we should put our jackets back on, we decided to just stay low-key. So, when the guys finally peaked at the top of the stairs, we were in these awkward stretching positions that didn't seem low-key at all. 

It turns out, the guys were doing wheelbarrows up the stairs and down the stairs. One guy would hold the feet on the way up, they would stop and obnoxiously stretch at the top, then the other would hold his friend's feet on the way down. Since we assumed they'd go away once they saw we were at the top, we weren't exactly prepared for what we'd do if they stayed, which they did. Instead of just ignoring them, we'd wait for them to hit the bottom of the stairs and flail into another weird stretch. I'm pretty sure the guys were wondering why we were repeating the same three stretches for the entirety of our stay, but we didn't let it bother us then. Mostly because they were trying to impress us on their way out by talking about doing some finger push-ups later.

The truth is, even though we were being ridiculous, we had the most fun. We did more laughing than we did working out, and I have to say, it was much needed. Here is a picture of us post-work out.

Aaaaand another (excuse my derp face)

Bottom line: if you and your friends want to have a good time, wear a matching tank top to the gym. You'll have the time of your life, let me tell you.

1 comment:

  1. "Sometimes girls do that. It's inexplicable, but it happens" I can apply that to SO much. Also, I appreciate the voice in your writing, it sounds just like you speaking "let me tell you."


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